Health |

Below are just a few health problems that affect the
Akita breed.
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV) kills
many hundreds and even thousands of dogs a year. No
one knows exactly what causes GDV to occur despite much
research into the matter. Current evidence does show
a very clear predilection amongst broad, deep-chested
dogs, that an easily stressed temperament contributes
to the likelihood of bloat, and that most GDVs are the
result of a multi-factorial cascade of events rather
than any one cause. Regardless of the precise underlying
cause, there are two things in common -- the stomach
distends tremendously with gas and then the stomach
twists or rotates (torsion). This twisting causes the
veins and arteries that supply the stomach to become
occluded resulting in tissue damage and tissue death
very, very quickly. Time is of the absolute essence
with GDV as mere hours are sufficient time for death
of the stomach and then death of the animal to occur.
Surgical correction of the twist and removal of the
gas is the only therapy option available to remove the
occlusion of the blood vessels. Frustratingly, the untwisting
of the stomach leads to new perils as the toxins that
built up in the damaged stomach and spleen rush to the
heart where they can cause fatal heart arrhythmia's
for days.
Given the severity of this disease as well as the extremely
rapid progression to death, much has been done to try
and determine how to prevent this from occurring. There
is lots of anecdotal recommendations but none to date
that is based in fact. Given the link to body conformation
there is an absolute genetic link. This link may be
a direct "GDV" gene or may be indirect in
conformation and temperament genes. Empirical findings
and recent research strongly suggests that experiencing
GDV at an early age (i.e. not an episode cause by some
other health problem like cancer) should be at a minimum
evidence to consider removing that animal from the breeding

Elbow Dysplasia- A collection of 4 conditions
all of which are characterized by abnormal development
of the elbow joint which leads to joint instability,
inflammation, and degenerative changes (aka arthritis).
The four conditions are (1) ununited anconeal process
(UAP) in which the very top part of the ulna (small
bone of the forearm) fails to join with the rest of
the ulna (2) osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) in which
cartilage on the joint surface of the humerus becomes
unattached presumably from a failure of proper bone
formation at the nearby growth plate (3) fragmented
coronoid process (FCP) in which the coronoid process
(a small "bump" on the inside part of the
ulna) fails to join with the rest of the ulna and (4)
joint incongruity in which the humerus, radius, and/or
ulna develop in such a fashion (most often asynchronous
growth rates) that the normal position and functioning
of the elbow joint is disrupted. All of these conditions
lead to excessive and abnormal stress on the structures
of the elbow joint in addition to causing mechanical
irritation of the joint (such as via an unattached cartilage
flap in OCD). The result of which is arthritis typically
very severe and progresses very rapidly to degenerative
joint disease. If caught early, surgical correction
can retard or halt the progression of elbow dysplasia
to severe osteoarthritis in the elbow. Elbow dysplasia
has a very high heritability and affected animals should
never be bred. Radiographic clearances should be performed
on all breeding animals prior to breeding to insure
that sub clinical animals are not unknowingly bred.
Hip Dysplasia- Is a developmental disease in which
the Cox femoral (hip) joint i.e. the acetabulum and/or
the head of the femur is inappropriately shaped leading
to joint laxity (looseness) and subsequent arthritis
and degenerative changes. The cause of hip dysplasia
is multifactorial with a genetic predisposition mandatory
and environmental risks exacerbating clinical signs.
The basic scenario of hip dysplasia is as follow: genetic
predisposition to subluxation (i.e. looseness in the
joint leading to the femur moving partially out of the
acetabulum) in the immature hip joint exacerbated by
rapid growth, overweight body condition, slick surfaces
to walk on, etc leads to abnormal force dispersal along
the acetabulum (pelvic part of the hip joint) and the
head of the femur (femoral part of the hip joint). These
abnormal forces interfere with normal development of
the acetabulum and femoral head further exacerbating
the irregular shape and subluxation which leads to great
degree of abnormal forces which leads to and so the
cycle continues. Finally the body tries to stabilize
the joint by laying new bone down in places bone is
not supposed to go and remodeling the entire joint which
causes degeneration of the entire joint and subsequent
severe even crippling arthritis. Clinical signs in most
cases begin between 6 and 18 months and range from mild
stiffness especially upon rising to reluctance to jump/climb
stairs to pain along the pelvis to abnormal gait ("bunny-hopping"
movement) to inability to stand or walk. Since environment
can ameliorate as well as exacerbate clinical signs
it is absolutely imperative to screen ALL breeding stock
radio graphically for any signs of abnormal hips prior
to breeding. Simply noting no clinical signs of hip
dysplasia is NOT enough as these animals may be subclincially
affected. Treatment for hip dysplasia involves surgery
to cure (an anatomic problem can only be corrected with
surgery) and exercise, weight control and anti-inflammatories
to treat palliatively.

G.P.R.A. - Why
have you Akita eye tested?
The Akita is currently under investigation by the BVA/KC/ISDS
for the eye condition "Generalised Progressive
Retinal Atrophy".
Generalised progressive retinal atrophy is an inherited
disease which affects many breeds of dog. There are
two main types of generalised progressive retinal atrophy
- rod/cone dysplasia and rod/cone degeneration. The
clinical and ophthalmoscopic signs for the two types
are similar. In a breed such as the Irish setter, with
rod/cone dysplasia, the photoreceptors are abnormally
formed and begin to degenerate before they are mature.
The disease, therefore, affects these dogs at a relatively
young age. A DNA-based test for the gene mutation is
available and enables accurate identification of clear,
carrier and affected animals, but the Irish setter is
the only breed for which this test is currently available.
The age of onset is later in, for example , the rod/cone
degeneration of the miniature and toy poodle, as the
photoreceptors degenerate after reaching maturity.
Owners usually notice a loss of night vision, especially
when the dog is in unfamiliar surroundings. The condition
progresses to produce loss of vision under all lighting
conditions and there is a poor papillary light reflex
with dilated pupils. In time, secondary cataract formation
is common. Ophthalmoscopic examination indicates a generalised,
bilaterally symmetrical increase in tapetal reflectivity
(a consequence of retinal atrophy). There is narrowing
of the retinal vessels, especially the small peripapillary
arterioles, which may become barely visible (ghost vessels)
or disappear completely. In dogs with a poorly developed
tapetum or an atapetal fundus, the attenuation of the
retinal vessels may be the only obvious opththalmoscopic
sign of early generalised progressive retinal atrophy,
necessitating careful observation. Later in the course
of the disease the optic disc becomes paler due to atrophy
of its capillaries and nerve fibres. The non-tapetal
fundus also shows extensive areas of depigmentation
as the condition progresses. The cataracts which form
late on in the condition may manifest as opacities in
the posterior cortex or as radial opacities, before
progressing to total cataract.
There is no cure and the condition is one, which progresses
to total blindness. In all the breeds that have been
investigated in sufficient detail the mode of inheritance
appears to be a simple autosomal recessive.
(Article written by: Dr Sheila Crispin)
Nothing has been proven regarding the Akita and Generalised
progressive retinal atrophy, but concern must be high
for the breed to be under investigation. It is advisable
when purchasing an Akita puppy to ask if the parents
have been eye tested.

Volt-Koyanagi-Harada's Disease, better known
as VKH-Like Syndrome This (VKH) is an Auto-Immune Disease,
It is auto-immune related, with hereditary implications.
It is felt that any type of stress can trigger the disease.
Symptoms are depigmentation, hair loss, and blindness.
Sometimes there are no warnings, sometimes there are,
like the depigmentation and conjunctivitis (whites of
the eye, and rimgo red). Conjunctivitis will often be
followed by a detached retina,which shows as a milky
blue surface on the eye ball. This IS a medical emergency.
Without treatment, blindness will follow. The dog suffers
great pain. The disease affects mucous membrane areas
such as the eyelids, mouth, anus, vulva and sometime
the pads of the dog's feet. There is a definite visible
loss of pigmentation in these areas, often started by
crustiness or blisters. The severity of the symptoms
vary from dog to dog. An interesting point to note is
that many dogs are often stricken at 18 to 20 months.
There is no cure, and there are no methods to test breeding
stock for VKH.
Uveodermatological Syndrome (UDS)
This is a most distressing disease seen mainly in Akitas
and it is sadly becoming more common, if you keep and
breed Akitas you are likely at some stage to meet it.
There is no breed or sex predilection with this disease;
it can strike at any time with no obvious trigger. It
is a genetic problem and as such certain 'lines' will
carry it whereas others won't. That is not to say if
you own an Akita from an affected line you are guaranteed
to get this disease. Signs This is a primarily ocular
and dermalogical disease and various signs can be observed,
they are not always 'text book' cases. It can be a sudden
onset with multiple signs or a more insidious onset
with various presentations. UDS causes the body to attack
itself and is therefore known as an autoimmune disease
(much like rheumatoid arthritis) and as a result attacks
the melanin producing cells in the body. Therefore you
will see the various signs of ocular discomfort and
bleaching out of the dark pigmented skin.
Ocular - This is the important
part of the illness, which leads to most of the morbidity
and mortality in this disease. The iris is the main
point of attack and as a result the dog suffers a very
painful uveitis, which is basically inflammation of
the iris and shows itself as a very small pupil with
a swollen iris and mainly conjunctivitis, which is often
the point of misdiagnosis because it looks like conjunctivitis
pure and simple. But if looked at in detail it is not
and this can lead to the diagnosis being delayed and
treatment failure later on. The scleral blood vessels
around the eye become engorged and so the white part
goes 'bloodshot' and the dog will show signs of ocular
pain and will shut his eyes tight in bright light also
watery discharge may be noticed. The eyes will be very
painful and uveitis will be the biggest problem of the
disease, the retina will be affected and often-retinal
detachment can occur. Whether it be a large full detachment
and hence blindness and haemorrhage (bleeding) which
is irreversible and often leads to euthanasia, or smaller
retinal detachments which are less obvious (these cause
gray streaks on the retina) and these can be retrospective
signs of UDS. Uveitis can lead to glaucoma and a blind
eye. The uveitis is painful and retinal detachment can
cause blindness both of these will lead to euthanasia
on welfare grounds if left untreated. Diagnosis is so
important at an early stage as treatment is useless
if left until the signs are obvious, the damage cannot
be reversed. If the dog is suffering from continuous
uvietis, which is unresponsive to treatment then the
only real option is euthanasia as it is incredibly painful
for the dog and distressing for the owners to watch.
Skin - This is a more
obvious sign but it is not the cause of death and morbidity
normally. The black and pigmented skin and hair, particularly
around the muzzle and eyelids start to get 'washed out'
and go brown; skin biopsies will give a diagnosis of
UDS/VKH especially if accompanied by ocular signs. UDS
is mainly an ocular disease but the skin lesions are
more obvious, coming on late in the disease course or
early on. The eye signs are the most worrying but often
With decent treatment life can be maintained pain free
and symptom free but rarely for more than 18 months,
some can succumb earlier as the uveitis and subsequent
damage becomes irreversible, which means it MUST be
caught early. There are various other drugs, which can
be used including Vitamin E, Oxytetracyclin and Niacinamide,
the efficacy of these drugs are debatable.
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Whether you own a show or pet Akita the
bathing and grooming schedule should still be the same.
The first step is to get your Akita in the house bath,
or lucky owners may have a separate bathing/grooming
room for their dogs. Although it is not wise to allow
a puppy Akita to climb stairs, I would also state that
it is wise for them not be frightened of them. Allow
them to occasionally climb up them but not to climb
down. This way they will not be frightened of climbing
them when they are older. It makes the whole ordeal
of bathing so stressful for you and the dog if they
will not climb stairs. Put a collar/lead on your dog.
If there is only one of you bathing then this will help
prevent them jumping out and bolting around your bedrooms.
Also make sure you cover the bathroom floor, so your
dog does not slip when he jumps out the bath.
Once you have your Akita in the bath wet the coat to
the skin. You need to touch the coat while wetting.
Leave the neck and head area until the end, because
you will be sure to become as wet as the dog. We use
two types of shampoo, both from Professional Choice
(available on links page). The first is a Blue Whitening
Shampoo and the second is Texture Coat Shampoo. Although
the first is named Blue Whitening it is for all colours
of Akita's. Use it neat on the hock and any stained
areas first. Leave in the coat while you shampoo the
rest of the body. For the body we dilute the shampoo
about 5 to 1. Shampoo all over, not forgetting the stomach
Once the shampooing is complete you need to rinse thoroughly.
Start from the top and work downwards. It is important
to remove all traces of the shampoo. Then onto the second
shampoo, Texture Coat. This puts back any oils you have
taken out the coat while shampooing. We do not dilute
this, although you can. We use a small amount on the
hand and rub into the back and sides of the dog. While
rinsing the shampoo falls onto the rest of the body
and legs. Again you must rinse to remove all traces.
Then comes the neck and head area. Cover the ears and
shower the face area, only use a small amount of shampoo
on this area, and again rinse clear. To dry we use a
different method to most people. We get our puppies
used to the sound of a vacuum, so they will allow us
to use an aqua vac on them. This reduces our drying
time by half. Not all of Akita's allow this method so
we towel dry as much as we can, paying more attention
to the face and neck area, our Akita's will not tolerate
blow drying around the face area.
Then onto the drying, for the pet owner with only one
Akita a household hairdryer is fine. We use a Power
Pac Tornado Blaster, which is like a very powerful hairdryer
but the smaller models do not generate heat unless used
for a long period of time. The leg coat should be brushed
upwards, and the body coat up and forward. The idea
of this is to have a coat that stands outwards from
the body except for the two inch wide strip along it's
back which when dry should be brushed from head to tail.
Use a double bristled brush when drying is nearly complete
and brush with the dryer. If you have used a blaster
finish off with a heat controlled hairdryer and brush
again at the same time. We then groom with a coarse
rake. You should be able to run the rake through the
coat without lugging in all directions. There are lots
of finishing sprays on the market now and not much between
them. They smell lovely and do not make the coat sticky.
Only a small amount is required. Lightly cover the coat
and fluff with the double bristled brush. (Our grooming
equipment is purchased from Simpsons of Langley , available
on links page). You should then have an Akita ready
for any occasion. If you have any further question please
do not hesitate to e-mail me. We certainly do not claim
to know everything, but the above has always worked
for us. If you have any points or advise that you think
would be useful please let me know!