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Willis wins Dog CC and Reserve Best in Show at the Japanese Shiba Inu Club Of Great Britain Championship Show
Faith wins her first CC at Bath CS Show
Faith wins Best Puppy in Breed and RCC
at her first Championship Show!!!
Seth wins his 3rd CC & BOB at Paignton Championship Show
Seth wins his 2nd CC & BOB at
Three Counties Championship Show
Seth wins Dog CC, BOB and Group 2 at
Bath Championship Show
Fendi wins Best Puppy in Breed
at Crufts 2009!!!
to Danti Akitas. We have owned Akitas
since 1999. Our first Akitas Danny
& Elle have given
us great experience with the breed and we have learnt
so much from them.
We are over the moon with our success in the show ring. From the early days when entry figure's for akitas were 100+ at championship shows. We gained stud book numbers with our akitas which qualified them to enter Crufts for life. We had success winning Best Puppy In Breed and also breeders of class winners at Championship Show level.
From around 2005 we stepped up and started gaining Reserve Challenge Certificates. This is also when we started to export our akita puppies to show kennels abroad. In 2006 we exported 2 akita puppies to Norway which was a very exciting time for us. By 2007 Danti I'm All That became Top Akita in Norway and his litter sister Danti's Picture Perfect was Top Bitch. In the UK we gained our first Challenge Certificate with one of the youngest male to do so at only 7 ½ months old.
After doing much research into pedigrees our own Pheobe in 2007 was to have her first litter to Stecal's Brooklyn JW. This litter produced 3 stunning akita puppies. Ir Ch/Am Ch Danti's Living Legend by Stecal AOM, Swedish Ch Danti's Height Of Fashion and Danti's Back In Fashion. All three have done themselves proud both in the show ring and being proud parents themselves.
2009 was a special year for us when Fendi did us the honour of winning BEST PUPPY IN BREED at Crufts, a really proud moment for us. We exported our first baby to Australia to our now very good friends at Goodomen Akita's in NSW, the beautiful Tara certainly turned heads and what a great feeling to know we have opened up the gene pool in such a country. We have made some excellent friends abroad who now own our puppies and are doing us so proud in the show rings worldwide.

One very special thing happened when in 2009 we got the chance to have back Nor Ch Danti I'm All That NW07 SW08. This boy has always been so special to us. Seth shone in the ring and gained his Championship Title in style 3 straight shows, all 3 with Best of Breed, 2 shortlisted and a Group 2. Our first champion and what a feeling!

Our super star is giving us some great joy, Danti's Gotta Have Faith "Faith" gained 3 Reserve Challenge Certificates from the puppy class then after a break to change coat she gains her first Challenge Certificate. Faith was handled for the first time by our new handler Mr Michael Craig, a very talented young man who is highly respected. With our very good friends at Jackitasky Akita's came our first imports. Love at first sight with Erik "Viva Swartz Sexy And I Know It with Danti" imported from Sweden from Christel Claesson. Erik is only a puppy but top size already; we are excited to see what this young man can achieve his temperament is second to none.
Again in partnership with our good friends Jackitasky Akita's we imported a female "AFRA" from Hungray, Afra has an amazing pedigree and can't wait for her future here in the UK.
Owning Akitas is a true honour and passion. You can
not wish for a more dignified yet loyal companion. We
pride ourselves in helping the newly formed Akita Rescue
and offering advice to anyone interested in the breed.
Danti Akitas are based just off junction 9, M6, Wednesbury,
West Midlands in the United Kingdom.
We hope you enjoy browsing our new web site and please
feel free to sign our
guest book with your comments. |