DOB: 30th
April 2008
Breeder: Mrs Roberta Wright
Sire: Stecal's Brooklyn JW
Dam: Satrebor Tantalus
Show Results
are so pleased to introduce Fendi to our show
team. She is bred by one of the UK's top kennels "Satrebor" owned
by Roberta Wright. Fendi is sister to Satrebor
Krazy who at the tender age of 19 months had
already achieved 2 CC's and 2 RCC's and won her third CC at the Midland Counties show and is now a Champion!!!
Her sire is the awesome Stecal's
Brooklyn who we admire very much and he himself
has earned 1 CC and 3 RCC's. Her dam is Satrebor
Tantalus who has earned 1 CC and 1 RCC and
what a great show girl.
Fendi has started her show career with amazing results. At the tender age of 7 months she did us the honour of taking her first RCC! We are looking forward to the 2009 season.

Meet the Parents:
Sire: Stecal's
Brooklyn JW (left); Dam: Satrebor Tantalus

"Fendi" winning BPIB and Puppy Group 3 at her first show!!!

Show: June 2010 - Three Counties Championship Show - 2nd Limit Bitch
Judge: Mrs Helen Burke
report: 2nd Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti, quality bitch, good outline, beautifully presented & well handled, nice feet, ample bone, good head with correct ear placement, good eye shape & colour, another that shouts female, level topline, correct tail, moved well. Left all her coat at home. Pushed hard for 1.

Show: May 2010 - Bath Championship Show - 2nd Limit Bitch & RCC
Judge: Mrs Mavis Sykes
report: 2nd Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti. What a beautiful head shape she has, those eyes are perfectly shaped and her small thick cupped ears are carried forward, her crest is prominent and her front assembly is well laid, she has good bone and a shapely body. The rear is well muscled and she has a lovely correct tail carriage, her movement was a dream to watch elegant free and very easy. Even coming out of coat i couldn't deny her the RCC, she is gorgeous.

Show: July 2009 - Leeds Championship Show - 1st Junior Bitch
Judge: Mrs I Rushfirth
report: 1st Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk To Danti, good coat & condition, good expression, correct eye shape & colour, well balanced & well handled.

Show: June 2009 - Blackpool Championship Show - 1st Junior Bitch
Judge: Liz Cartledge
report: Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk To Danti. Stood alone here but an impressive youngster in excellent form, lovely coat & condition, quality head with lovely expression, well balanced & sound.

Show: March 2009 - CRUFTS - 1st Special Puppy, BEST PUPPY IN BREED
Judge: Top Breed Specialist Mrs Helen Burke
report: 1st Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti, Super puppy. Excellent head with lovely ears of correct size, Dark eyes. Excellent topline leading to correct tail set. Plenty of bone and substance, but no coarsness and obviously a very feminine Akita. Presented in excellent condition and coat. Good feet with correct pastern angulation. Good angles front and rear. Moved with precision for one so young. Beat the dog in the challenge for Best Puppy on movement.

Show: January 2009 - Manchester Championship Show - 1st Minor Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch
Judge: Mr David Cavill
report: Well filled class, I am pleased to say, and some lovely puppies too. 1st Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti. Lovely example of the breed, beautiful bitch, exactly right proportions, will grow on just a fraction but excellent ears, head and expression, really love this one, should do extraordinarily well in the future.

Show: January 2009 - Lichfield CS Open Show - 1st Puppy, Best Puppy In Breed, Puppy Group 3
Judge: Mr Gordon Lister
report: Awaiting report

Show: December 2009 - BUBA Championship Show - 2nd PetPlan Puppy Stakes
(out of an entry of 61 dogs!!!)
Judge: Mr Jack Bispham
report: 2nd Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti, only 6 months old and shows such promise. Clean wedge with well set ears all giving the desired expression. Liked her body shape and quarters, good striding action.

Show: December 2008 - LKA Championship Show - Best Puppy Bitch, RCC
Judge: Mrs C Harwood
report:1st Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti, lovely type, very feminine, exquisite head & expression, correct ear placement, well arched neck of good length, super body, level topline & topped by a good jacket, well set tail, firm well padded feet, moved with purpose. RCC & BPB.

Show: November 2008 - The Nordic Show - Best Puppy In Breed
Judge: Breed Specialist Dave Chapman (Kitsune)
report:1st Rowley's Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti, 6 months old bitch, very much a young baby but quality throughout, lovely head, pretty expression, good front & rear, nice crest of neck leading to good lay of shoulder, good topline & tailset, nice in profile moved well with correct gait once settled, well handled & presented, very promising, should have a bright future. BP pushed hard for Best of Breed.

Show: November 2008 - Huntingdonshire Canine Society - 1st Junior, BPIB, Puppy Group 3
Judge: Kerry Rushby
Group Judge: Joan Rushby
report: Awaiting report

Satrebor Cat Walk to Danti
Stecal's Brooklyn |
Am Ch Regalia's
Dick Tracy at Melodor ROM |
Am Ch T'Stone
Raja Regalia on Buckridge |
Am Ch T'Stone Cut to
the Chase Chiheisen |
Am Ch T'Stone Indian
Sumr Kbra Kai |
Am Ch Regalia's
Traces of Fire |
Am Ch Regalia's Mountain
Man |
Am Ch TJ's Amstel Light |
Stecal's Cool
As Ice |
Sp/Port Ch Ruthdales
White Warrior at Melodor |
Ch Redwitch Feel Free
to Stare |
Stecal's Different By
Design |
Oktumi Action
Reply at Stecal |
Ch Am Ch Goshens Bigger
Is Better at Redwitch |
Ch Keskai First Love |
Satrebor Tantalus |
Ch Redwitch
Feel Free to Stare |
Bar Ch Redwitch
Rave On |
Ch Nor Ch Redwitch Dancin
in the Dark |
Ch Oktumi Valentine at
Redwitch |
Redwitch In
Your Dreams |
Ch Nor Ch Redwitch Dancin
in the Dark |
Shinzam Snow Queen |
Ch Satrebor
Bottoms Up |
Ch Redwitch
Prince Consort at Stecal |
Ch Am Ch Goshens Heir
Apparent at Redwitch (imp) |
Ch Lizda Zee Zee Flash |
Satrebor Alchofolic |
Ch Overhill's Non-Imported |
Kiskas Sox at Satrebor |